Friday, November 9, 2012

Post Hurricane Nonsense/Upcoming Shows

Hey everyone.  Finally, back up and running on the internet after what feels like a week or so living in a bubble.   As you probably know, or have been gorged to nausuem with media coverage or personal experiences, the east coast got hit pretty severely with a hurricane last week.    2 out of the 3 of us had no power or heat for over a week, and the had to cancel a couple shows due to lack of power and ability to travel the area.  

No complaints here on that end, as some friends and family we know did loose most of, if not everything they owned in the storm.  And a lot of the areas around us were either affected, or in some cases, leveled by the storm.   It sucks, but we're okay, and finally coming out of the hibernation we've been in for the past two weeks.  

On that note... we hope all friends on the east coast we haven't talked to are doing fine. 

AND... moving on, we're embarking, later today, on the first of two short New England tours this month.   Here's the dates.

-11/9- Providence, RI @ Dusk  9 PM

-11/10- Worcester, MA @ The Firehouse w/ Black Wine, Pillow Man, Styk, Funeral Cone 8:30 PM

-11/11- Newmarket, NH @ Fuckingham Palace w/ Poison Ivy League, Billy Raygun  6 PM

-11/12- Willimantic, CT @ Shitty Present HQ w/ Tim Rowe, Secret Parts 7 PM

Also, before the year's out, we're going to be hitting the mid-west once more for some dates.  We'll post them as we get them.  Thanks y'all.


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