Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to School...

Well it's September again.

Back in May, it was all like...

Now it's all like....

And we here at Brick Mower couldn't be happier about the everpresent onward pursuit toward a higher education. Go get 'em Tiger.

As reported a while ago, we still have an 7'' coming out on Lok Rok Records. The Why Are We Doing This? 7'' of older recordings. It'll be up for pre-order soon on the Rok Lok Records website.

Also, we've got some shows coming up both in NJ and out in the lands.

9/17 @ Mason Gross School of Arts- Piscataway, NJ w/ Alien Father, Snoozer, Rasputin's Secret Police, + more. 5 PM

9/24 @ Rehab- New Brunswick, NJ w/ Vacation, Husky Dudes, + more 6 pm

9/30 @ O'Brien's- Allston, MA w/ Joey Ebola and the Children McNuggets, Real Good 7 PM

10/1 @ 242 Main- Burlington, VT w/Real Good, Burning Streets, Trapper Keeper

10/2 @ The Handsome Woman- Willimantic, CT w/ Real Good, plus one

10/8 @ Haircut 9000 House- Virginia Beach, VA

10/9 @ TBA in Delware

Stick around. Keep up on your studies.

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